For which kind of company are your services designed?
The concept of our services is to provide a physical presence for small and medium-sized companies based outside Germany.
How can we benefit from your services ?
Our services give you the opportunity to offer the products you are presenting on the Internet through a customer-friendly facility within Europe. By warehousing products with ourselves, you can cut down on delivery times and expenses and increase price transparency to European customers. We can also offer a Europe-based after-sales service to keep your clients happy !
This sounds expensive. What charges do you levy ?
Based on the concept of pooling resources between a number of clients, our “Your Man In Europe” and “Your Man In Germany” programms are not expensive. Aside from out-of-pocket expenses, the charges we levy are volume-related – contingent on the time and resources actually used.
What about your services for private traders ?
We noted that trading on an international basis through some of the major auction sites is not as easy as it might be. Again here, we aim to reduce costs by working for a number of traders on a regular basis.
Can you provide any other services when I visit Europe/Germany ?
Sure, just let us know how we can help. By the way, we have very real office in a very real part of Germany and look forward to personal visits from any of our current or prospectiveclients.